Entries by admin

Tips for Hiring the Right Broker for Your Company. Ask good questions!

While these tips are great, this list is NOT exhaustive. Before using these tips call us for a consultation, which will provide the full picture and scope. Special Note:  It’s usually not a good practice to hire the first broker you meet. The interviewing process itself is a valuable learning experience for you and your business.  Interview […]


Best Practices for Broker Management

True or false? The best way to identify the right broker is to ask the buyer for a recommendation. Hire the “hungriest” broker you can find that is in need of more lines to carry. Show your presentation to several brokers in the market before hiring one.  Only hire a broker that aggressively asked to […]



TriCalm’s steroid-free gel delivers fast, powerful relief from itching, burning and stinging. TriCalm, made with Cosmederm-7®, relieves itching caused by rashes, hives, sunburn, bug bites, allergic reactions and more.
